Repository Access Token created
Your Repository Access Token: "master"
Record this token somewhere secure, it can't be viewed or retrieved once you close this window.


How to use this token with APIs
Provide this token in the Authorization header as a bearer token when making requests to Bitbucket APIs, for example:

Authorization: Bearer ATCTT3xFfGN0TrLAI7TrQE3JwaF_e7K58oSKhlVKt8H0GaYbXvEczfeUCfAeV5aiiEF4MJXn1Iub-Sy-X65r78unKxW4swopxwjnFwagFPOJuNmGWBMc26alSHDhlwtlijbThVGkYINevZL3GIUNIvnmHUVPp9CgdC-bUfI_YJNET0lhdnyZLKs=CF799C7D

How to use this token with your Git repository
To clone this repository using this token, run:

git clone

To use this token to push code to this repository, you need to set the Git author on the cloned repository by running:

git config